Christian 🦄

Results 31 comments of Christian 🦄

You are talking about changing this in `/etc/apache2/conf-available/ocsinventory-reports.conf` right? Then for me this would also need an adaption for the PHP7.x config part ``` AddType application/x-httpd-php .php SetHandler application/x-httpd-php ```...

Just so far: From my perspective the follwing quote of the thread author and the CVE is **misleading** if not read carefully as I would think it affects every server...

For those who want a "fast fix" for that: Every "message row" has the whole emailaddress / smtp account name set as css class name. So styling it in your...

Using the Firefox addon Stylus this took me 5 minutes: ![grafik](

Just stumpled upon your issue but maybe I can help: Did you install the `passport-ldapjs` or `passport-ldapauth` node modules manually? They are not installed per default (afaik refering to this...

> And is it wanted behaviour, that the admin credentials set in docker-compose.yml are not valid when enabling LDAP authentication? Yes, if you are using LDAP auth the local auth...

I can confirm this issue. I already did some research about it a few weeks ago and found the following: The only way to "fix" it is by...

Some more details on the problem: An example for such an "defective" calendar entry which produces error 500 is as follows: ``` BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:DAVx5/ ical4j/3.1.0 (com.appgenix.bizcal) BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20211006T130807Z UID:0841d0e5-4ad5-4006-8267-d2e995533238...

Ah and the software stack we use is: Baikal 0.80 Managed DAVx5 Android 9 (and others)

Got the same problem. It doesn't get saved after closing the settings dialog already. So there's no need to restart Auryo - it won't get saved after the error message...