honey the codewitch

Results 10 issues of honey the codewitch

### Feature Request or Enhancement I would like to investigate creating bindings for htcw_gfx, a newer graphics library for middleweight IoT devices that supports things like truetype and alpha-blending. ###...

I'm building a totally demand streaming parser - everything but field names can be streamed, and it can all run comfortably in 4kB of ram if you want it to....

I've paired successfully. I am simply trying to send MIDI Instead of successfully establishing a connection, I get this nonsense on the serial port, and it never fires the connect...

I would like to integrate your library into my project. However, I can't quite glean enough information from doxygen to understand how to use it. I have questions. Rather than...

### Lightweight TTF and a const buffer filesystem Added lightweight truetype support over files under libs/lv_ttf.h Added a virtual filesystem over a const buffer array to allow embedding files as...

### Integrating my lightweight TTF/OTF orchestration into LVGL I wrote [htcw_gfx](https://honeythecodewitch.com/gfx) in part because LVGL's TTF support via Freetype didn't fit my needs - it had to be compiled on...

### Is it desirable to have dedicated arduino drivers for LVGL? LVGL currently uses TFT_eSPI to do the last mile graphics ops under arduino - for actually getting the pixels...

Makes the library configurable to be suitable on IoT devices or otherwise devices without very much RAM (

**I'd like to work with the TTF engine on platforms with less RAM than the TTF file is in size.** This header assumes gobs of memory, because it's geared for...

4 enhancement

I've been trying to get SPI to work (with DMA) on this device using your bare metal code. I've imported the HAL declarations and implementations for SPI but I cannot...