
Results 54 comments of codethief

I don't think #626 is that similar. The situation presented by @torotil is different: There is precisely one argument being passed to the function. My proposal would therefore be to...

@klahnakoski Thanks pointing this out explicitly! I deliberately excluded this from my proposal for the following reason: For nested function calls like the ones I illustrated in my post, for...

@torotil I'm not entirely sure I would extend this to the case of multiple arguments but if it *is* desired, one could maybe go by the following rule: If we're...

@rdaysky You're right, this entire question is about whether to explode expressions from the outside or from the inside. However, judging from the discussion so far it seems that *neither*...

> So maybe the rule could be "A bracketed expression is necessarily exploded if it has **several** exploded children." In that case, both pre and post arguments are possible and...

> ctrl-m is the same keybinding as enter when received by terminals, there is no way to bind one of them without binding the other My understanding is that it's...

I second OP's request. I set up my terminal, shell and command line editor in such a way that [upon hitting Ctrl+Backspace, my terminal sends a custom escape sequence]( which...

Hi there, this is very cool – I've been looking for an implementation for a Bézier-based easing function! Any news as to when this will be merged into master? :)

I have been facing the same issue and have come up with the following solution: ```typescript import matchers from 'expect/build/matchers'; // The matchers used internally by Jest expect.extend({ /** *...

> If .tool-versions has a plugin name that is not in asdf plugin list, then running asdf install should at least warn the user there is a missing plugin for...