
Results 8 comments of codeskings

I am facing the same issue, @dkoen did you manage to figure the issue?

Thanks for your reply. only to your reference, I found that the issue exists when processing the pyramidal tiff generated using the ImageMagick and openslide, despite that after the conversion,...

wow, thank you for this clear response, I really appreciate it. I will put it in my consideration while reinvestigate the code scripts again. I may bother you if I...

Sorry for bothering you again but I got a couple of new questions if you can kindly help in them because it seems that I am still have an issues...

Sir, first of all thank you very much for responding to me and for your patience, I know you are busy, so please feel free for not answering my questions...

Thank you very much, really appreciated it.

Dear Sir, I have a quick question, I calculated the Jaccard index between the original ground truth mask (I read the mask image at level 0 using **ReadWholeSlideImage** function) and...

just replacing it with **tf.random.set_seed(seed)** should solve this issue.