Deepak Aravind
Deepak Aravind
Objects ? U mean raw data, can u provide me a example
Im away from my laptop, will look at later. I took a glance at pluto grid where seems it provide a stateManager itself PlutoStateManager doesnt that work for you, since...
Considering PlutoGrid is a complex widget, its better to use its own state manager. You can pass this state manager to bloc, but here bloc is only used to segregate...
Well, this is my suggestion for ur case. Am not a official bloc member, also bloc is maintained by @felangel . He may help here. But Let me clearly my...
U can have a event like StoreStateManager to the bloc and pass the statemanager and store it in the bloc as a member
```dart class MyPlutoBloc extends Bloc { late final PlutoStateManager stateManager; //Uninitialized ... on(event, emit) { stateManager = event.stateManager } } // In pluto grid, widget runApp(MultiBlocProvider( providers: [ BlocProvider( create:...
Hey Guys, The problem is when u call `thumbnailFile` requires the thumbnailPath argument. You may ignore it since it was marked as optional. But in native side the code was...
I guess, it safe to throw error if we try to build storage when already a storage lives (i.e not closed) ?. @felangel
Well thats what shld be done, am wondering does the user are aware that if they build new storage and existing one would deleted without doing "clear". Since as of...