Deepak Aravind
Deepak Aravind
Iam trying this on Android, and am calling the unityController.unload() at app's dispose (stateful widget) method. I can see that game is never closes like once i opened the game...
Also when i open the game it would make disappear the android's navigation bar and status bar and it not restored when the game end, can anyone help this.. i...
Hey also, i passed unLoadonDispose to be true on UnityWidget, but i dont think it is working either. I needed that game is to be totally closed when the page...
Ok i understand this question and also got this question (pain). Lets divide this problem into two parts: First Problem: Iterating each time the list when some change happened. You...
Whenever a re render occurs, flutter try to diff (by comparing the new props and old props) the tree and only create new widget or re render. And also at...
I guess, its possible and better to control the list (PlutoGrid) via bloc. Flutter wont re construct every widget during re render phase, its intelligent enough to note whether this...
Alright, (am also dont have years of experience, but lets play). Can we do something like this, lets say u have 100 rows, can we provide a bloc for each...
No, u might have a single row bloc but create multiple instances of them under the widget tree For ex: PlutoGrid: RowBloc: Row 1 RowBloc: Row 2 ... Row n...
I dont know how the Plutogrid build widgets, but its pretty straight forward to implement. Lets say we have list of todos which each has its own states completed and...
Ok whats the row parameter expecting a widget or ?