Ozge Coskun Gursucu
Ozge Coskun Gursucu
A Facebook Clone which built with reactJS. You can sign in with your Google Account and send realtime posts. Click demo to try it by yourself!
A Gmail Clone which built with ReactJS and Redux. You can sign in with your Google Account, compose a new e-mail and send realtime emails to the project.
A Full Stack Amazon Clone which created using ReactJS with full E-Commerce Functionality!!
A Google Clone which built with ReactJS. When you click Gmail button, you will be directed to my other project, Gmail Clone. You can search whatever you want and send realtime emails by clicking Gmail...
A full stack Netflix Clone using React, Firebase & Material-UI..
A Slack Clone which built with ReactJS. You can sign in with your Google Account and send realtime posts. Click demo to try it by yourself!
An Airbnb Clone using React, Firebase & Material-UI, Responsive Design.
A Spotify Clone which created with ReactJS. 3rd part api intergration, user authentication, spotify api, responsive design, material ui, react context api are used to built it.
A website which built with ReactJs, Bulma-CSS Framework, Responsive Design.
A Disney+ Clone which build with ReactJS & Redux. You can sign in with your Google Account.