Tracy Ward

Results 32 comments of Tracy Ward

Will camcodec work in MKV? If it does, I don't see why it should be forced to avi-only.

Also, check for updated video card drivers. Both of these crashes appear to be deep within ATI drivers.

It's making it in the program directory, where the exe and map files are output by the compiler, iirc

The format comes from VirtualDub, but they contain the addresses of the various functions in the program (from the map file the compiler outputs) so that the crash handler can...

It looks for one named the same as the exe file.

For the most part, it seems good. I think it needs some noteskin tweaks, though. By default, it seems to do a down arrow for the center, which is even...

Looks good to me. Anyone else have input?

Oh. I just realized I didn't test 2 players or doubles.

Doubles looks good, too. (So overwhelming, though) I might also suggest play style icons (circled in purple) for the default theme, so it doesn't show "?", where on dance it...

Wait a minute.. there is a Horizon_Single9.png in Just need a Horizon_Double18, and to figure out why the theme isn't actually picking it up.