
Results 35 comments of Justin

Have some effects when change the output file name? The filename is "bundle.js" definitely in react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js. https://github.com/facebookincubator/create-react-app/blob/master/packages/react-dev-utils/webpackHotDevClient.js#L36

@camsong 跨域 是不是要设置 mode ? ```js fetch('xxxurl', {mode: 'cors'}) ``` cors 和 no-cors有啥区别?

@camsong 设置了`mode`为 `cors` 和没设置一样, 同样会报跨域错误 ```js fetch(`http://xxxxxx.com`, {mode: 'cors'}) ``` ``` etch API cannot load http://xxxxxx.com. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://saas.800jit.com' is therefore not...

@camsong 可是我就是想要jquery这样的处理的返回结果,不知道jquery这块怎么处理的,它并没有要求服务端做任何处理啊

@camsong 谢谢。后来解决了,先前调试的时候估计代码没重新加载, 是能够得到类似jquery一样的响应结果的。

:thumbsup: 我在当前工程安装的roadhog , 每次启动都会新开一个Tab (ubuntu16.04 chrome 55), 并不会直接刷新已有的Tab.

@sorrycc 可以配置不开启吗? 非mac用户表示宁愿自己刷新:cry:

改变端口,会有如下提示 ``` Something is already running on port 9600. Would you like to run the app on another port instead? [Y/n] ```