Hello, i have a similiar problem: on file "ImGui" (/installed\x64-windows\include\osgEarth\ImGui) i have a compiler error "C2653" on this row: " ImGui::Image((void*)(intptr_t)textureObject->_id, ImVec2(w, h), ImVec2(0, flip ? 0 : 1), ImVec2(1,...
i ran these commands: ./vcpkg install osg:x64-windows ./vcpkg install osgearth:x64-windows so without the [tools] option
Hello after the 3.4 version the problem it's still present, and it's worse because the workaround of include in my project a version of imgui don't work anymore
It's a libker error, i need to include the osgearth::Imagui code in my application to compile it without linker errors