@YanNoun I use colmap sfm to get sparse model,then I run the opensfm/bin/ ,it error" no module named "opensfm" ! my final goal is use opensfm viewer (web) to visualize...
@AIBluefisher Sorry to bother you again ! When I run distributed mode,I follow the doc ,I set the config.txt 's image_path i be consistent with the --output_path,but the last result...
@lxxue Hi,sorry to bother you. when mds initializing, is the database a new database or is it generated after image extracting and image matching?
@darglein Thank you very much for your work, I read the snake-slam paper and thought it was great, but when I compile the program, there are various errors, some internal...
@darglein Thank you very much for your work, I read the snake-slam paper and thought it was great, but when I compile the program, there are various errors, some internal...
@rajkataria HI, Thank you very much for your excellent work. I have no problem running mapper (MDS), but when I run hierarchical SFM, MDS will report the following errors. Is...