比如 `header('location:index.php?c=admin');` 就可以改成 `header('location:'.dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/index.php?c=admin');` 其实这个项目完全可以部署在非根目录下的,但是代码中都指向了网站根目录的index.php,稍作修改即可
> 添加的书签点击后还是会跳到根目录,比如[http://index/index.php?c=click&id=1,实际上应该为http://index/子目录/index.php?c=click&id=1](http://index/index.php?c=click&id=1%EF%BC%8C%E5%AE%9E%E9%99%85%E4%B8%8A%E5%BA%94%E8%AF%A5%E4%B8%BAhttp://index/%E5%AD%90%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95/index.php?c=click&id=1) > 望大佬再帮忙看看 onenav/templates/default/index.php 这个文件第128行 ```
hi, I was face the same problem using Android 14 vm on WIndows in China. The `isInternetReachable` is always false, even if the network is connected. But it works fine...
Thanks for the author's open source project, which has helped me a lot. I would like to know, is it a big workload to migrate v4 to new architecture, and...
@khushal87 I face the same question, and @JaweedVenturedive 's solution didn't work for me. ### Problem Description In my `AppContent` component, I have some rneui buttons, dialogs, and some other...
Sorry for my mistake, theming is working. **It's not a bug.** By read the source from [packages/themed/src/config/withTheme.tsx](https://github.com/react-native-elements/react-native-elements/blob/52056ded1e067061c33af6ab328fcf6168652bb1/packages/themed/src/config/withTheme.tsx), I found that the style was merged in the `packages/themed`(source of '@rneui/themed'), not...
@sudoooooo 是否考虑将配置从环境变量转移到配置文件呢,这样配置起来会方便一些,也方便后续扩展