Codename One

Results 7 comments of Codename One

That might be misleading. E.g. Codename One appears in the list but the code specifically tests for a null GUID and uses a fallback.

I added pull request #304 to support this, hopefully I did it correctly. Not used to github, let me know if you need anything further.

Comment [#1]( originally posted by codenameone on 2012-12-12T06:59:22.000Z: <empty>

This is something that was requested by some vendors as it's essential in some locales for government and anti-discrimination.

I've started working on this but had to scrap it due to lack of time. This should be relatively simple at least on Android with this guide We already...

I wanted to get this through but it's hard to allocate time for this right now.

We agree. Unfortunately this is a non-trivial issue to say the least...