CodenameOne icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CodenameOne copied to clipboard

Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.

Results 187 CodenameOne issues
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Hi, I just want to ask if building a project on iOS without enrolling in 99$/year Apple developer membership is possible. Since I just want to test build server that...

As far as I know, codename one cannot directly generate native Linux executables and, therefore, apps need to be distributed as jar files in order to allow using them in...

Thank you for the excellent new Inspect Component feature. The issue is that it requires that the Simulator is in "Single Window Mode" (tested with Netbeans 14 on Linux, zulu-fx-11-amd64,...

Hello everyone! After a long time, I'm getting my hands on Codename One again :) I updated Codename One to the 7.0.80 version. I'm using zulu-fx-11-amd64 in Netbeans 14 on...

I was looking for some icons for a specific case and found a few new ones that Google seems to have added since the update mentioned here E.g. north,...

The bug appear when the compliance-check goal is called during the build goal. It seems that the classes checked by the goal uses the wrong class, like java.lang.Object from Java...

As requested I am filing an issue regarding the getSMSSupport() method. This refers to this post on stack overflow [Stack overflow]( and this method below [getSMSSupport()]( Galaxy fold type devices...

**Describe the bug** Attaching a bluetooth keyboard doesn't work well. There is no "keyListener" type interface, and if you override the KeyPress and KeyRelease methods on class Form, you'll see...

**Describe the bug** The `RequestBuilder` has a method `gzip` implemented as follows: ``` public RequestBuilder gzip() { header("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); return this; } ``` This method is marked as `@deprecated this...

See the attached screen shot. I ask the display for the screen size and use what it gives me. As you can see, the space used by my app overlaps...