补充说明: 这种方式启动ios15的设备,没有问题。 启动ios15以下的设备报xctrunner quited(本地启动没问题) [详细log](
> Over USB or wifi? Thanks for your reply. Over USB, only these two devices are slowly. The others are normal
> The the device are not performant enough to record/encode the screen content in real time. > > Try to reduce the resolution (`scrcpy -m 800`) or try another [encoder](
> `scrcpy --encoder '' --max-size 1024 --bit-rate 15M --max-fps 30 --render-driver=opengl% ` Best setting for me, always works. Try if helps. It doesn't work.
> but only video frame size changes That is to say, my frontend needs to detect the size of each frame in real time, and reset jmuxer if it is...
在Android中,运行shell命令时,默认情况下应用程序会以应用程序的用户身份运行。然而,由于安全限制,不能直接将应用程序的身份更改为shell用户,需要设备获得root权限,然后使用root用户执行命令。 有没有解决方法啊,坐等。