Thanks, this setting was what i was looking for, i too needed a way to restrict the videos aspect ratio.
Also i'm having a go implementing coffin where i provide the typical menu button with the three stripes. The idea this toggles coffin incase people don't know they can slide....
I need to take a look at it, looks like it is broken. I've moved over to using flexbox for equalheights using progressive enhancement. I'd recommend looking into that instead.
hmm i'll look into this and get back to you :)
Any chance you could make up a jsfiddle or a codepen showing this problem if you have the time?
Thanks @panablue I will look into this more and let you know my thoughts. Haven't had a chance as yet but will this week. I noticed the homepage for the...
I think this fork works on opera. I think it works because it tries using both the font-family and pseudo content. So for this repo to support opera it...
A function which lets you just remove/add the zooming only would be useful too. I'm using the plugin on a responsive site in which past a certain breakpoint i have...
I'm using this plugin for png fallbacks Seems to work fine, only started working with it today though.