Jeff Delaney

Results 29 comments of Jeff Delaney

Can you confirm this is still an issue? I just pushed a major update the auth service and upgraded to Angular 5. Updates are deployed to

It sounds like TS is not getting the right type. Does this fix it at [line 33]( ``` switchMap((user as any) => ...) ``` We might need to explicitly type...

It's really just a matter of changing up all the templates and CSS. I'm sure I will have more Angular Material content on the channel in the future :)

The fix from @ishan123456789 should work in this lib. I'll get a fix published soon, but feel to send a PR if you want.

Hmm, this might be an edge case we need to investigate with certain geohash boundries. Can you you give me your centerpoint lat/lng so I can try to reproduce it.

This is supported with a callback to the collection. But I want to add more test cases in this area because orderBy/limit a won't work exactly as expected. It's only...

This is a much needed feature. I will prioritize better support for node/functions.

This looks really cool, thanks @LennyZ71 ! I will try to get a more complete review done soon and merge this soon.

I will need to make some adjustments to this PR for version 0.1.0, but we'll get this merged soon.

Additional reads beyond the radius result is expected, but a bug was fixed in 0.1.0 where `get` was not unsubscribing from the underlying callback - I suspect that was the...