Paul Hilder
Paul Hilder
Noticed the URL isn't being rewritten in IE.
If you use gulp-useref with the same src and dest directories you get an error, although the files do actually get modified correctly. My task is: ``` gulp.task('private:app:useref', () =>...
Not sure if this has been mentioned before but I've found selectors containing :not() aren't removed if unused. ``` .foo:not(:disabled) {} ``` ``` ``` As .foo isn't being used I...
**How can we reproduce this bug?** ``` One Word Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Read more...
I'm trying to use this plugin with material web components but it's not able to find any files. Here is my project structure: ``` parent-package node_modules packages my-package node_modules material-components-web...