Hi, The license is MIT. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_license Regards, Florin On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 4:29 AM, Dale Emmons [email protected]: > I don't see a license file anywhere - what license...
Confirmed. At first glance, the memory increases even if nothing is done. It just keeps growing. Now we have to see if it's a JOF issue or a memory leak...
I will look into that - seems doable. I'm actually investigating the idea of making JOF a node.js module. My only problem with that is that node isn't supported on...
Still on vacation now, will take a look when I get back to my dev machine. Thanks for contributing !
Mat::at() should work in Javascript as well. Are you getting an error ? I have not worked on this in a long time and I cannot dedicate much time to...
Looks like you don't have OpenCV installed or it isn't in the path. See the readme file for guidance.
I'm sorry I don't have an up-to-date linux system available here, but try editing binding.gyp and remove the lines where rtti is disabled: 'cflags_cc!': ['-fno-rtti'], 'cflags_cc+': ['-frtti'] See if that...
cvmGet seems to be an older C-Style interface to opencv. If I'm not mistaken, you should use Mat::at to access individual elements of a matrix. I'm currently working on calcHist...
Just commited a new version of opencv-node, which includes cv.calcHist implementation and an example in the scripts directory. Let me know if that works for you
Did you try this: var a = [] cv.split(Mat, a); ?