Results 4 issues of H

Under "Time Machine" section: ``` # Disable local Time Machine backups hash tmutil &> /dev/null && sudo tmutil disablelocal ``` Under "SSD-specific tweaks" section: ``` # Disable local Time Machine...


After a fresh install on MacOS, hint mode does not behave like [hint mode gif in the readme](https://github.com/rvaiya/warpd#hint-mode-alt-meta-x) where both the chosen row and column are shown upon choosing a...

In the menu under "Edit", the menu item "Search" shows cmd L as the keyboard shortcut to activate it. Currently it does not work as expected.


MenuBarHider appears to be breaking in Yosemite. I have the MenuBarHider set to hide the menubar whenever Finder is active. This seems to break Finder after the update causing it...