Lian Bai
Lian Bai
typo:最后一行 >注:本文 Go 代码基于版本 11.4
> Mongo 用 HostSNI 的形式测试是可以的,redis 这个用域名的确有问题,得要再测试下~ redis-cli 5 版本不支持 tls,6.0 rc 目前支持 tls 但不支持 SNI 扩展,所以 traefik 找不到对应 tcp 路由。 update: 6 rc 版本支持 sni,但需要手动设置:`--sni`
@summerblue 坐等大佬更新
Unfortunately, I didn't find the real cause of this problem, but I found no problem using configMap mounts. So I modified the `mountSharedDirMounts` method to make all `sharedDirMounts` watchable. Does...
> Is this possibly a duplicate of #8040? Thanks! looks like it, I'm going to try the solution and close this issue.