Christian Nadeau

Results 7 comments of Christian Nadeau

@rogerluan in case you have ruby 2.4.10 and get `Undefined method delete_prefix for ` It's maybe not the optimal way to fix this, but it fixes the error on...

a bit late, but I ran into the exact same issue in case it might help someone It's caused by cocoapods-binary that will precompile ALL pods not **EXPLICITLY DEFINED** in...

Hi @jkelvie , thanks for the ultra fast answer! Here is the [documentation of AMAZON.LITERAL]( You're absolutely right, I was trying to to force an intent, but that's a good...

Hi @jkelvie , as mentioned [above](, the schema could not be parsed and prevents any tests from being executed. Adding at least there definition and treating them as literals for...

Have a look at: probably caused by Realm

🤔 according to [this test](, it should be `import * as OT from '@opentok/client` but, from the sample (in JS, not in TypeScript), commenting the [opentok.min.js]( script and importing OT...

Found how to import it from TypeScript: ``` import '@opentok/client'; declare var OT: any; ```