@brccabral Thanks for opening an issue! ✨ The page referenced links to "[Closing and deleting your projects](". The screenshot there is correct for that article. However, I did dig into...
@dostonnabotov Thanks for your interest in improving the docs! You or anyone else is welcome to submit a PR with this update. ✨ Since this image is a reusable, updating...
@derisen Thanks so much for opening an issue! I'll triage this for the team to take a look :eyes:
👋 @HonkingGoose Thanks for opening an issue! We are checking on this internally, so I'll update when we have more information.
@HonkingGoose Sure will! Sorry for the stale-bot closing it out. It seems to be acting a little wonky. Thank you for patience as we work through our backlog! 💖
👋 @adamrr724 - Thanks for submitting a PR with your issue fix ✨ I made a slight change to your post to link your issue to this PR. I'll get...
@brubru6707 Thanks for opening a PR! 👍 You mentioned that this information came from the issue information. Would you mind linking the issue you are referencing? For more information about...
@brubru6707 Thank you for updating the post and including the issue! ✨ Looking at the issue, it looks like we do have a [PR waiting]( for review with this fix...
@ChoHadam Thank you for opening an issue and providing all this context. And for linking it to your PR! ✨
reopening as the PR is still waiting for review