Craig Morten

Results 43 comments of Craig Morten

> @cmorten are there any blockers for this PR? The cluster module is basically there but it relies on `process.send()` (REF: and a few other bits on `process` that...

Hmm maybe… worst case can tidy up with some `notImplemented()` placeholders and is at least a step closer

> @cmorten Can you somehow get rid of circular dependency of `net.ts` -> `cluster.ts` -> `internal/cluster/child.ts` -> `net.ts`? > > (circular dependency can be checked with the command `./_tools/check_circular_deps.ts` Yeah...

Unix domain socket support as added in #2146 ```ts // demo.ts import net from ""; import Web3 from ""; const provider = new Web3.providers.IpcProvider( "/root/geth_data/geth.ipc", net ); const web3 =...

Will take a look if no-one is already on this?

TODO: - [ ] `socket.addMembership()` - [ ] `socket.addSourceSpecificMembership()` - [ ] `socket.dropMembership()` - [ ] `socket.dropSourceSpecificMembership()` - [ ] `socket.setBroadcast()` - [ ] `socket.setMulticastInterface()` - [ ] `socket.setMulticastLoopback()` -...

Agree with nested arrays, `forEach` provides equivalence. Personal main preference with `it.each` like syntax is the tagged template literal support which find far more elegant and expressive than an array...

Looking into this as part of @bartlomieju have you made any headway / have any pointers as to what is causing the tests to hang? (No worries if not!)

Been trying to triage the issue using the `test-net-buffersize.js` test from Node. Side by side comparison (easier to spot divergence): ![Screenshot 2022-04-24 at 11 26 48]( ![Screenshot 2022-04-24 at 11...

Update on the above issue - resolved by implementing `LibuvStreamWrap.prototype.writev`. Curious that the `notImplemented(...)` error was getting swallowed... REF: