Charlie Moog

Results 42 comments of Charlie Moog

> seem to be causing an error that my cells are CONSTANTLY collapsing into one monolithic cell. I suspect this is due to an automated SQL formatter that collapses `\n\n`...

My apologies for the delayed response. @jpmorris lots of great thinking there, I appreciate the depth. > Maybe there's a way to allow for both parsings? Maybe a config in...

Thanks for this report and providing the detailed comparison. This is interesting indeed. I think we should be able to solve this by using the `rowsAsArray: true` option in the...

> i think someone needs to sort the gitignore file out.. it shows a lot of build output as change. If you run `rm -rf ./out` from the project root,...

`./out` is an artifact of the previous build scripts and only exists because you were building an old commit.

Is there a vscode api for checking whether an extension is installed? I'm wondering if we can avoid the strict requirement on this data table extension by changing our presentation...

Also, I'm noticing some cases where the presentation is strictly worse. For instance, checkout the before/after below: I'll have some time this weekend to do a deep dive and see...

Oh nice find, that would certainly be an improvement over our current table rendering.

@miguel-vivanco I do agree that the autowrap behavior is frustrating at the moment. Rather than exposing configurations for each aesthetic deficiency individually, I'd rather solve the table rendering problem holistically...

If I understand this correctly, the goal would be to share a document with a non-technical user that contains the query *and* its associated output? I like the idea of...