Cliff Odijk
Cliff Odijk
In the pull request I used the Symfony BrowserKit Response as an example for implementing it.
There was an GuzzleClient but is removed about a year ago?
@Lusitanian I had the exact sam thought on implementing if in a second repo but the ClientInterface still excepts a string and not the Guzzle Reponse object and the Guzzle...
@Lusitanian Next to that thought I want to ceate a guzzle plugin for PHPoAuthLib maybe inside the same repo as the lusitanian/oauth-guzzle. The guzzle plugin allows modifying the guzzle object...
This is a basic implementation for a GuzzleClient I have not tested it yet. I will work an that this weekend and to create a new repository to bridge...
Got the Guzzle client working in a second repo Still need a way to create the Guzzle Plugin.
Another way to go is to add a $asString and let clients like Guzzle return the response object if this is set to false. I have created a example implementation...
I'm having the same issue here is my configuration. ``` #Thu May 04 12:55:28 CEST 2017 #edit below project.ansible-executable=/bin/bash project.ansible-inventory=/opt/rundeck/server-jcid/hosts.ini project.ansible-vault-path=/opt/rundeck/server-jcid/.vault_pass.txt project.nodeCache.delay=30 project.nodeCache.enabled=true project.ssh-authentication=privateKey project.ssh-keypath=/var/lib/rundeck/.ssh/id_rsa resources.source.1.config.ansible-become=false resources.source.1.config.ansible-gather-facts=true resources.source.1.config.ansible-ignore-errors=true resources.source.1.config.ansible-inventory=/opt/rundeck/server-jcid/hosts.ini...
We are also moving away to Symfony Messenger and we don't use it more actively either in our enviroments. We have been moving away for while now see also my...
I'm not familiar with the changes that are made that are different to SimpleBus what i would like to see is things like; * In SimpleBus you create a command...