Craig McInroy
Craig McInroy
> It would be awesome if this extension could enable it when active, and disable it when inactive. ... and still provide persistent visual cues on when to focus/break, even...
I have found that I suffer from this issue when my bluetooth headphones (a) power off then on or (b) switch to another connected device then back, as happens often...
Can you offer guidance on how to take advantage of the theme-related parameters allowed by the markmap component? It seems like we could add a custom theme by adding to...
@kitze How do you open a browser? I've been looking for a way to launch a browser window to show the running project.
Looks like the related issues have been consolidated here. In that vein, just another point of reference: Mkchromecast v0.3.9, Fedora 33, kernel 5.10.7, GNOME 3.38.3 here. I was experiencing a...
I am having this problem, too. Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x86_64, kernel 4.15.0-72-generic. I installed the build from the CircleCI 3751 job in order to get past the "stuck on loading"...
FYI, It appears there is the ability to cast from the Youtube Music service in the browser. Clicking the cast icon in the upper right opens the same window to...
Fixed for me, Ubuntu 18.04.4 GNOME Shell 3.28.4. Thanks!
@adlerluiz You may already be aware, but this is the position that GPMDP took on this matter: (As far as I can tell, Youtube Music still has no support...
Until a native solution is available, Windows users can cast laptop/desktop content from Chrome: [Cast audio from Chrome - Chromecast Help]( ... and I have been using this solution for...