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egs_brachy is an application for doing Monte Carlo brachytherapy simulations based on EGSnrc/egs++.
egs_brachy is an egs++ application for rapid brachytherapy calculations for both photon and electron sources. Some features of egs_brachy include:
- Dose scoring via a tracklength estimator or interaction scoring
- Scoring of the spectrum of particles emitted from a source or particle fluence in a voxel
- Primary and scatter separated dose calculations
- Particle recycling for simulations with multiple sources
- Bremsstrahlung cross section enhancement, uniform bremsstrahlung splitting, and Russian Roulette for efficient electronic brachytherapy simulations.
- A comprehensive library of brachytherapy source geometries ,
For a complete discussion of all egs_brachy features as well as discussions about benchmarking and calculation efficiency, please refer to the paper listed below.
The initial release of egs_brachy is version 2017.09.15 beta. We will continue to update and maintain egs_brachy, as well as this manual and the html documentation.
The egs_brachy code (all pieces of code associated with the egs_brachy code system) is copyrighted Rowan Thomson, Dave Rogers, Randle Taylor, and Marc Chamberland. egs_brachy is distributed as free software according to the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option), any later version (
The pdf users guide to egs_brachy is available at
Technical documentation for egs_brachy (including installation instructions) is available in html (
Brief installation instructions can be accessed in the html technical documentation at with more detailed instructions available in the egs_brachy user manual pdf .
For more information about egs_brachy please contact:
- Marc Chamberland [email protected]
- Rowan Thomson [email protected]
- Dave Rogers [email protected]
Citing egs_brachy
Citations of egs_brachy should use the following reference:
Chamberland M J P, Taylor R E P, Rogers D W O, Thomson R M 2016 egs_brachy: A versatile and fast Monte Carlo code for brachytherapy, Phys. Med. Biol., 61 8214–8231
Reporting Bugs
Please report any issues you find with egs_brachy using the issue tracker on GitHub
Contributing to egs_brachy
Bug fixes and additional features are welcomed via pull requests on GitHub. Please refer to the EGSnrc Wiki Developers section for general recommendations about making pull requests.
Commit history (change log)
The complete commit history (i.e., change log) can be consulted here.