Ezequiel Alvarez
Ezequiel Alvarez
Extremely inspired by [Hydra](https://hydra-editor.glitch.me/), adds a `vec3 uniform` called `audio` that has 3 bands (low, mid and high frequencies) which go from 0.0 to 1.0. The code is also [taken...
I've implemented immutable Maps in spirit of Haskell's Data.Map. So far "singleton", "empty", "insert" and "lookup" work correctly. Adding "delete" would make the implementation almost complete, but it's usable as...
WaveEdit used 50% of my MacBook Pro 2015 CPU when completely idle. The culprit was `renderBankGrid` which needs to draw so many lines (just commenting it dropped usage to 13%)....
Strings are not being translated if the `msgid` tagged string doesn't have any expression in it. I've set up a minimum working example here: https://github.com/alvare/ttag-bug-mwe If you do `npm run...
Installing patterfills on modern node (>6) is very hard because jsdom < 4.x depends on [contextify](https://github.com/brianmcd/contextify), which won't compile in OSX or Windows (AFAIK, or at least with much trouble)....
`error: GhcException "You can't call hscCompileCoreExpr in a profiled compiler"` GHC 7.8.3 Cabal 1.20 Building without profiling works as expected.