did you solve it? I met the same problem.
I did similar experments. The conclusion is consistent. I use onnxruntime to profile exported two onnx files on rtx3090. Inference code is exactly the same except for the onnx files...
> so why lite-hrnet cost more time than hrnet? then why we need lite-hrnet? @clover978 Maybe lite-hrnet result in better efficiency on specific hardware (e.g. CPU, FPGA),since it does have...
I met exactlly the same problem. Have you figure out is this situation normal or unnormal?
Hi, @alexandrepdumont To my understanding, for the dataset downloaded from original [repo ](, the code is correct. `heat_map = genHeatMap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, int(label[2]/ratio), int(label[3]/ratio), sigma, mag)` For dataset generated by [``](,...
The training is still in progress. But I don't think the eleluation result is quiet normal. The accuracy become 0.74 in the very beginning and start to zigzag. ``` ==========Epoch...
> Yes you are quite right, I took out the ratio on subsequent training, as all it did as far as I saw was expand the images into 2.5x the...