Hyukwoo Park

Results 24 comments of Hyukwoo Park

From a simple evaluation below, this patch showed a significant performance improvement. ```c // fibonacci calculation #include int fib(int n) { if (n == 1) return 1; if (n ==...

@sbc100 I'm using `wasm-c-api` to run wasm codes in my project. And AFAIK `wabt` is the only wasm engine built by c/c++ that fully supports the `wasm-c-api` standard. I'm also...

@sbc100 I need a lightweight wasm engine for several reasons now, so I choose `wabt`. `wasmtime` is also one of good alternatives, but unfortunately it is based on `rust` language...

> BTW, would you mind sharing your project information with us? because those APIs are rarely used by others and I am curious about the scenario. Sure, I'm updating [wasm-js...

@lum1n0us Thanks a lot! It seems that most of the `wasm-c-api` functions are now supported. BTW, according to the [wasm-c-api doc](https://github.com/bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime/blob/main/doc/wasm_c_api.md) > we tend to grow a table or a...

@lum1n0us @xujuntwt95329 Thanks! I'll try it with an export function :)

test262 TC for ES11 would be updated through #688

Change the title and list based on ES.Next

ECMAScript 2020 is now fully supported 🎉 🚀

[ECMAScript 2021](https://262.ecma-international.org/12.0/) has been released. The next version is [ECMAScript 2022 (draft)](https://tc39.es/ecma262/).