Reading World Magazine
Reading World Magazine
A variable to direct org-journal to open Calfw instead of just 'calendar' would be great. {seems it's a Calfw configuration issue}
`cfw:open-diary-calendar` and `my-open-calendar` functions trigger the same error see here: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Opening input file" "Permission denied" "c:/Users/Comp/Dropbox/documents/orgfiles/jou...") insert-file-contents("c:/Users/Comp/Dropbox/documents/orgfiles/jou...") diary-list-entries((9 1 2020) 30 t) cfw:cal-schedule-period-to-calendar((9 1 2020)...
Rebuilt the hash table with the most recent snippets. json. Seemingly worked without issues. Now as well have updated a few packages. Now errors on expansion of html snippets. So...