I am not sure it is going to work. The TurnJS model uses the browser Hash for the URL as a use of navigation between books. My suggestion would be...
Are we able to add HTML elements in the regions? I am trying to add an img as an overlay to the "magazine" example. In the example the pages load...
I figured out a way to do this for our needs. Thanks for the response. One more thing though. I see we can put regions in the Magazine example where...
Are you talking about the zoom in button at the top of the screen?
@postonoh, Not really what I had in mind. Turn.js already accomodates zooming. I am just wondering, using the Turn.js code set whether there is a different way to zoom the...
@blasten, That was actually a solution I was looking at using. We actually do that for another jQuery plugin we use and ended up modifying or extending. I just had...
@blasten We got our version working. The jQuery code you posted was a great start and we took it from there. We are actually just using 1 image for the...
I am tying this to another issue I have out on the issues. Since we have the `` s in the HTML. How do we get the regions to work...
@IkramShams if you want to do it through you will need to have the images loaded to the pages folder before the client (browser) hits the site. The images...
@IkramShams, We use the Magazine for our monthly Magazine. Granted I have to hardcode some of it, but I got to a point where the authors of the Magazine give...