Clinton Wolfe

Results 80 comments of Clinton Wolfe

Can you give some examples of resources that do support `ls`? As far as I know, the main issue is that to list properties and matchers, we'd need to differentiate...

Two things of note: First, you can disable lockfile creation with the `--no-create-lockfile` option to inspec exec. You can also place that in your ~/.inspec/config.json, and it should be respected...

We need to determine which container types we will detect, and how to detect them (no "etc").

Is there still interest in doing this? At this point I don't think we're looking to move in this direction - we're adding the ability for profiles to directly rely...

I think there is a misunderstanding here. The git fetchers accept arbitrary URLs for repos. The HTTP fetchers, on the other hand, look for certain patterns to opportunistically transform the...

It seems like we do support this, but clearly if it's not documented, that doesn't help. Needs to be at least checked.

It is indeed a real feature, and documented at .