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Blazing fast data modeling and enrichment
Help needed |
This documentation is a work in progress, we need help to write guides and cookbooks |
Don't hesitate to create issues if you want to speed up the process for a particular feature |
What's inside?
The "EAV Manager" or "Clever Data Manager" (CDM) is an extensive set of tools designed to build business-oriented data repositories in Symfony.
It consists of several bundles put together to speed-up data modeling, data transformation and user interface development.
The CDM was designed using the same philosophy than the Symfony framework, using many small independent "bricks" that provide simple but easily extendable features.
We didn't want to create a full-stack solution with a huge coupling between its components but instead focus on keeping things simple and reusable.
Either use the EAVManager starter kit or follow these steps:
- How to install this bundle manually
To understand the various configurations needed in order to create a full-scale application using this bundle, you need to take a look at the inner components under the hood:
- Components
You need to check several different bundle documentation that are stored in different places:
Only the checked entries are completed.
- [x] EAV Model documentation
- [x] Process bundle documentation
- [ ] EAV bootstrap extension
- [x] Admin configuration
- [x] DataGrid configuration
- [x] Filter configuration
- [x] EAV Filter configuration
- [x] File upload configuration
- [x] Base Bundle
Only the checked entries are completed.
- [x] Project setup
- [x] Choosing an attribute type
- [ ] Context setup
Data management
- [ ] Data import
- [ ] Data export
- [x] API Platform
- [ ] Doctrine events
- [x] Translations
- [ ] EAV translations
- [ ] Model translations
Going further
- [ ] Elastic Search setup
- [ ] Custom actions
- [x] Custom attribute type
- [ ] Custom autocomplete
- [ ] Custom datagrid
- [ ] Custom datagrid filters
- [x] Custom EAV Queries
- [ ] Custom JS and CSS
Advanced concepts
- [ ] Advanced EAV context features
- [ ] Advanced form options
- [ ] Base config override
- [ ] Entities inheritance
- [ ] Form templating
- [ ] Model permissions
- [ ] Publication workflow