Clement Pellerin

Results 17 issues of Clement Pellerin

crimescences and multiball modes are removed when starting ultimate challenge. crimescences and multiball modes are never added back to the mode queue after ultimate challenge ends.

The game is not completely reset after service mode to take into account the new settings. The reset method does not reinitialize everything we need to recreate.

The end of ball bonus only accounts for the attempted and completed modes within the current chain, ignoring chain modes completed before the last ultimate challenge. The bonus should use...

When starting service mode from attract mode, these other modes are still running: Trough, Deadworld, BallSearch, BallSave, FlipperWorkaround, Attract, ScoreDisplay When starting service mode from a started game with the...

save_settings calls itself with the wrong number of arguments. It should call super instead. ``` def save_settings(self): self.save_settings(settings_path) ``` should be ``` def save_settings(self): super(JDGame, self).save_settings(settings_path) ```

A chain mode completed successfully will always be considered successful if played again within the same ball. To reproduce, you have to finish ultimate challenge to make the modes available...

The number of completed shots displayed is wrong if BattleTank is played twice within the same ball. The number of shots is initialized to zero when the mode is created...

The rule sheet says: if missile award is lit when multiball starts, missile award is disabled but it is remembered and it relights automatically after the last concurrent multiball ends....

For the "Balls Played" audit, the last ball is counted twice, once in highscore_entry_finished() and again later in end_ball() highscore_entry_finished() does not need to deal with the end of ball...

The message should say Replay only when the replay award is set to Credit in the game settings.