
Results 10 issues of @alexcleac

This is a proposal, detached from #128 by request of @bleakgrey. ## Problem It is expected from user that application handles keystrokes properly on context. Here some examples of them:...


What about adding a parameter to "rep" command that will copy whole text of post you want to reply to to the editor? This would be useful for citations and...

A small proposal of feature that would make user experience better :smile: When hitting `` (like Control+C), tootstream just exists. Adding prompting whether user really wants to exit would help...


**Overall description** When you rename project on GitHub, it does not change to a new name in dashboard and build fails because it expects old name of executable. Example: [Olifant](https://github.com/cleac/olifant)....

**Description** When user deletes account in Tootle, then tries to log in to same account without application restart, he gets HTTP 400 Bad Request error. **Steps to reproduce** 1. Log...

Like it is said in "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs": > If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short > notice like this...

For now, it is a real blocker that makes it impossible to release application for users to use while there is icon that looks close to previous icon. For now,...

As far as time passes, the original repository seems to be stale for a long time having some issues. So, it was proposed by some users frustrated with old bug...

Hi, it would be awesome to add support for the [XDG Basse Directory Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html) for configuration file. This would make configuration management way easier.