Clément BENOIT

Results 4 issues of Clément BENOIT

Hello, I want to use a tabsetPanel nested into a shinydashboard tabItem. But this seem to break the fluidity of the page and the height is not correctly adjusted to...

Hello, I successfully installed SeuratV3Wizard with its optional cellbrowser dependency, everything is working fine locally. But then I tried to launch the app through a singularity image containing shiny-server and...

Hi ! Is there a way to check if a file exists on the server from R ? I tried RCurl::url.exists methods which never end on a JBrowseR::serve_data server... `RCurl::url.exists("")`...

I find an intersection between the up and down regulated genes with Ideal. ("Intersection of gene sets" figure in the "Functional analysis" outlet). That is strange. Please find the figure...