New working machine ------------------------- Wild Fang (set 1) [Tailsnic Retroworks]
Add support for Traverse USA and clones different PROMs setup with two 256x4 character palette PROMs instead of only 256x8 one (same contents on both setups). Confirmed to exist on...
New not working machine ----------------------------- Tairyou-Daiko 337 Byoshi [Museo del Recreativo, ClawGrip]
New not working machine ----------------------------- Jail Break (Recreativos Franco slot machine) [Hammy, ClawGrip]
New not working clone -------------------------- Secret Agent (Modular System) [Museo del Recreativo,]
New not working machines ------------------------------ Monkey Jump [Museo del Recreativo,] New not working software list additions -------------------------------------------- cubieboard4.xml: Android 4.1.20161119 for Cubieboard4 (v4.4, internal eMMC) [ClawGrip] Android 4.3.20170717 for...
New not working machine ------------------------------ Unknown gambling game on Inder pinball hardware [Arcade Planet,] Also fixed notes about "La Rana".
New not working clone -------------------------- Lucky Seven [Taksangs, charlie]
New working clone --------------------- Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [Taksangs]
New not working machine ----------------------------- FP-1000 [OldComputers ES]