Clark McCauley

Results 51 comments of Clark McCauley

The go:debug route isn't a good long term option because it will eventually be removed. I need to maintain compatibility with third-party IoT devices that are older and may not...

Sounds good! The plugin system does meet my needs in the short term.

It's even more hacky, but I just did ```jsx ```

Just wanted to point out that I got re-docusaurus up and running in our project in

@sserrata yes, if possible, that would be great.

In my case, I'm getting this problem deserializing to `HashMap`. Ideally, if there's not a matching variant for `MyEnum`, it just wouldn't get loaded into the map.

Hi @rushmorem, I've added support for parsing two of the example formats you specified (decimal degrees, or degree decimals). It would be great if I could get an intermediate review...

I've added support for DD and DMS formats. Should be ready for review!

> I spent two hours trying to get his package to work. Went over to rs/cors and got it working in 1 minute. Same.

Any updates on this? I ended up with this. When I pass this into my database create function, the create function converts it into a `Foobar`. This requires all sorts...