Clark McCauley

Results 51 comments of Clark McCauley

Okay, interesting so it looks like I don't need the litegraph-editor.css since the classes for the sidebar are part of the standard CSS file. I am using the latest CSS...

@atlasan as I mentioned, I'm trying to get the sidebar/properties editor working which (as I understand it) is supposed to be included as part of the core litegraph.js. You can...

@jagenjo thank you for the quick response! That solved it ```html ```

Just to add an additional perspective: much of the suggested tooling makes it easier for downstream consumers of this library to actually consume it. I've spent about 12 hours the...

I'm also getting this error. I have the following code ```swift private var threadGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: 1) func setup(credentialsManager: CredentialsManager) async throws { self.credentialsManager = credentialsManager let channel = try...

@mycroftcanner if it helps, here's how I resolved this using swift gRPC ```swift await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in .background).async { self.threadGroup = MultiThreadedEventLoopGroup(numberOfThreads: System.coreCount) continuation.resume(returning: ()) } } let...

I know this is late, but in case it's useful for others, something like this should do the trick. Disclaimer: untested. ```go jsonrpc.ServeConn(&WebSocketWrapper{conn}) ``` ```go type WebSocketWrapper struct { *websocket.Conn...

I'm getting the following error when trying to compile for `GOOS=windows GOARCH=arm64` ``` C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:679:32: undefined: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:680:10: undefined: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:693:50: undefined: PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:794:16: undefined: queryPebAddress C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:800:10: undefined: readProcessMemory C:\Users\\go\pkg\mod\\shirou\gopsutil\[email protected]\process\process_windows.go:807:20: undefined:...