Clark C. Evans
Clark C. Evans
There doesn't seem to be a license (except brief mention of MIT in the package.js file). Do you intend to release your work under the MIT license?
For those using Nitter on iPad or iPhone, the sidebar takes up 33% of the screen and is empty most of the time. It'd be great to have an option...
@cmcaine -- would Mux.jl be a good place to have a middleware component that adds `Revise.jl` glue? See If we're promoting `Mux.jl` as an application developer stack, having Revise...
Currently, `Mux` doesn't export `http_handler` in its public interface, yet, something like it is required to build regression tests that don't open a socket. Indeed, opening a socket isn't really...
Hello. So, I tried to use DataDeps, and it I get a stacktrace. But there's no information here about what file actually failed to download. I've checked them all individually....
Variable interpolation does not seem to be happening within markdown admonitions. ``` julia> using Markdown julia> v = "Hello" "Hello" julia> md""" !!! note $v $v """ │ Note │...
Hello. It seems that `import .LocalModule` does not calculate dependencies correctly. In the test notebook below, the `module Test` line should be first in the Cell order, but it is...
I find that I have to write the following for Or to be useful. ``` function build_or(items...) if length(items) == 0 return @funsql(false) end if length(items) == 1 return items[1]...
When constructing component queries, I sometimes would like to add an additional sort column to an existing sort order. However, currently it seems that I'm only able to overwrite sort...