Clara van Staden
Clara van Staden
- stores last synced block number in the basic and incentivized channel - relayer should backfill messages as they their headers are synced (todo)
- Stores last finalized header hash on beacon client - Reads the above in relayer - Syncs from the last finalized header Resolves: [SNO-292]( Note: Message verification backfill will be...
This switches from Ethereum PoW to PoS verification. 🥳 Keeping in draft until Rococco deploy.
- [x] Keep execution header state in storage in beacon client - [x] Reverse execution header syncing so that headers are synced sequentially instead of backwards - [x] Resume syncing...
I am trying to use this crate with the Substrate framework, which requires the `no-std` feature. It looks like this crate supports running in no-std environments, if I look at...
While syncing Ethereum consensus updates to the Snowbridge Ethereum light client, the syncing process stalled due to error `InvalidSyncCommitteeUpdate` when importing the next sync committee for period `1087`. This bug...
Snowbridge companion:
Allow free Snowbridge consensus updates, if the header interval is larger than the configured value (set to 32, so once a epoch). This PR also moves the Rococo Snowbridge pallet...
Adds Paseo BridgeHub to the list of available parachains on Paseo.