casey langen

Results 71 comments of casey langen

Yikes. Maybe that suggests something was already slightly amiss? All the best figuring it out. 😬 Let me know if musikcube compiles once `cc`/`c++` are back and working.

Sounds like you don't have a C compiler installed. You can install g/g++ with `sudo zypper install gcc-c++` and try to compile again.

Can you explain your specific use-case? The `musikcube` TUI client supports connecting "external" (aka "remote") instances, like those running in daemons and on other computers. You should be able to...

Got it. Yeah, this is something that has [already been implemented in the `musikdroid` Android app](, and I'd like to bring to the TUI as well. It's fully supported by...

Nice find! I've been messing with this off-and-on for a little bit now, but I haven't been able to find a solution. It seems that internally `ncurses` uses `wcwidth` (

Apologies for the late response, I've been very focused on cleaning up some fundamental issues and getting the code base in a bit better shape. musikcube does indeed index multiple...

Hmm, interesting. It may be a tag parsing issue. Are these MP3 files? Would it be possible for you to provide me with a sample song that isn't displaying lyrics,...

Yep! casey [dot] langen [at] gmail [dot] com Also, what operating system are you using? If Linux, which distribution? I'll try to setup as similar as an environment as I...

Got it. I confirmed we're parsing the tag correctly, there was just a bug specific to some setups. I pushed in a fix. If you pull then build from source...

This will be fixed in subsequent releases.