Hi @treinberger, I don't have this problem, do you use ListView or TableView ?
Hello mobihunterz, Sorry for the late response. Can you put some code ? I work with ListView, but I tried with TableView which contained a lot of rows and scrolling...
Hi, I can't see your code today but I will look it in the week
You don't need callback in the index.js but in your menu.js you need to follow this: - In the initialization of the file put this code: ``` if (args.pulltorefresh) {...
Sorry @vatsalengg your comment was deleted after a bad manipulation. I copy/paste it : "Hi @clairecoloma , your above given code example seems ambiguous, **According to you,** ``` if (args.pulltorefresh...
Hi ansgmlen, maybe you can ajust arguments of the line : ``` args.pulltorefresh.stop(data.length * 240, 20); ``` I will try the widget with differents size of the item this week...