PyPDF4 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
PyPDF4 copied to clipboard

A utility to read and write PDFs with Python

Results 50 PyPDF4 issues
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Is there any plans to implement getting information about colours used in PDF: their amount and names?

I'm finally back, and ready to dig into PyPDF4. Eight pull requests are outstanding, and tests/ has at least one error. I'll start there. Is there any need to maintain...

Add a method to get all attachments from a PDF file. I'm not an expert of PDF and this is my very first contribution to PyPDF. I'm working on the...

*This issue has been cross-posted as mstamy2/PyPDF3#11, since it affects both projects.* *Note: All PDF described here are available for download at the end of this message.* I have a...

help wanted

This PR fix the issue. Is that possible de create a MR and merge it?

compressContentStreams() is not working. Is there any way to compress PDF files? I have exported a PDF file with 650 pages and it has more MB than the source PDF...

Unfortunately, I cannot share the source documents that are causing this problem, so what I'm instead looking for is some hints as to where I may look to find what...

help wanted

Each time you use addJS or addAttachment it overwrites the Names table in the Root Object.

Link must be: > Project Link > Homepage leads at the moment to 404 error