
Results 8 issues of cklm

Hi, thank you that you are investing your time for this great tool! #### Proposal vegeta should have an option to ramp up the rate at the start. Example: rate...

Symfony 4.4 is released - its the long-term-supported version for the next years. Symfony 4.4 dropped support for some classes which makes the bundle unusable. Twig version 3 has now...

Throw an exception, if loading the key fails - does debugging more easy :)

Hi, we just stumbled across a wrong message in the `sentry:test` command. As it turned out, the php-configuration on that server was missing the cacert.pem-file containing root-certificates to verify certificates...

Type: Bug

Hi, thanks for the great plugin! I have a question - I'm getting UndefinedInterfaceMethod-errors in my symfony4-project like this: ERROR: UndefinedInterfaceMethod - src\ControllerShop\IndexController.php:45:68 - Method Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectRepository::createquerybuilder does not exist $qb...


added "Deutsche Apotheker- und Ärztebank eG" to compatible banks

escape touchdown-string to mask "+" correctly - solves "9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. (TRE)". See also

Hello, not sure, if @schmittjoh reads this, but I wanted to say thank you for this bundle! It served us well for the last five years and processed 5,951,389 jobs...