CJ Yetman

Results 151 comments of CJ Yetman

As far as I can tell, I’m the only “active” developer here, and even that’s a stretch because I don’t have much time for it these days. I would like...

tooltip text when you hover over a link would be customizable once #239 is resolved. Click action would be a new feature

No, not currently. And it’s not something likely to be added because of the difficulty in achieving it.

Just to be clear, that is not a feature of d3.js, but a feature that some people have built-in to their custom visualizations based on d3.js. I, and probably a...

Sort the data in the order you want it to display and set `iterations = 0`

`Iterations =0` effectively disables the algorithm which automatically determines the node placement, and the nodes will be placed in the order that they appear in the Nodes dataframe.

The desired order of nodes is entirely up to you, and likely application dependent, so I can’t make a recommendation there. I understood from your original message that you don’t...

Sorry, now that I've had a chance to look at your images on a larger screen, I can see that the problem is not exactly what I thought it was....

Essentially what seems to be happening is that when there is not enough horizontal space to plot the nodes in a given x-position/column (in this case, the right column of...

Realistically, any plot with "tens of thousands" of discrete nodes is going to be messy at best, if not totally unusable... unless you're plotting at a very high resolution. Each...