junyu chen

Results 3 issues of junyu chen

Hi,I'm trying to visualize the matches by running the ABSTool.exe. However, I met this error ![{X_6BSUOZ1`MF@X4$4Y)6(I](https://github.com/tencent-ailab/hok_env/assets/149468227/18481d62-f147-45d3-aa99-ee9c24028b8d) Even after building a new folder named SGame_Data and putting my abs files under...

Hi, I am interested in your simulator for road graph. After reading the Waymax documentation in https://waymo-research.github.io/waymax/docs/autoapi/waymax/datatypes/roadgraph/index.html, I have known that your simulator supports loading data from Waymo Open Motion...

I have already gotten the access to Waymo Open Motion Dataset. However, when I run the demo like `import jax from jax import numpy as jnp import numpy as np...