Chris Reed
Chris Reed
Here is an example: ``` { "required_capabilities": "notebook", "hide_submitted_files" : true, "notebook" : [ { "type": "markdown", "markdown_string": "## A question?" }, { "type": "multiple_choice", "filename": "output.txt", "choices":[ {"value": "a",...
It seems reasonable to me. Don't forget the value on "choices" has to be an object rather than an array to be valid. The only issue I see is that...
@tkoz0 is supposed to add some web backend changes here and then I'll review again
That is correct but we should wait until another release before making a PR.
Should they also be able to submit or just view?
Security wise this PR is fine
Merging should automatically close this as it is handling the update
> My understand is teaching staff is TA's not including mentors or do mentors counts as well? I would think anyone with grading access should be able to access and...
This is on hold of being merged till is closed
Hi @AlfieSolomons09, Please add a more descriptive PR description so we can understand why you are making your changes. Since this is seems to be a UI fix, attaching screenshots...